Remaining active in the days of Covid-19


How to get a social aspect to fitness

There are some instructors out there offering classes through Zoom or Skype, where you can see each person working out. This can help you maintain that sense of community if you are missing it. If you were going to a gym or studio prior to the restrictions, they may be offering some online classes. Reaching out to an instructor you’ve gone to see before is a great way to start getting connected, from a safe distance. 


Should I go to a park with the dog or the children?

Fresh air is so important for your health in all ways. Getting outside can give you a sense of freedom that you might not be feeling right now. Provided there are no restrictions in your local area, it is quite beneficial to get outside, as long as you are respecting social distancing. You should also make sure to wash your hands before and after you leave the house. A good alternative is to have some hand sanitizer to apply while you are out. 


Studies show that getting out in nature improves your mood, helps you sleep better and reduces the production of stress hormones. These days of Covid-19 restrictions can create a lot of obvious stressors, but can also cause underlying stress you may not be conscious of having. 


Are there downsides to exercising at home?

The downsides to exercising at home may include a lack of motivation and privacy. It is also possible to injure yourself while working out alone, especially if you are trying a routine or exercise that you’ve never done before. Remember that you can always turn a video off if it’s not working for you, or you’re not enjoying it. Whatever activity you choose, it should feel enjoyable so that you are looking forward to doing it.