Remaining active in the days of Covid-19


There is a never-ending list of things to do in a household, and the Coronavirus restrictions on staying home is a great opportunity to start checking things off the list.

Staying active during these times is about much more than following an aerobics class on the television. There are many different ways that you can stay healthy during the days of Covid-19. These can include: Physical exercise, crafting, painting, gardening, baking, home improvement projects, spring cleaning, puzzles, and so much more.


What are the benefits to remaining active?

Physical activity maintains a healthy mental state, strengthens your immune system, and makes you feel happy by boosting your endorphins. Moving your body can also help to move lymphatic fluid through your body, which is the delivery system for your immune system.


How much exercise should you get each day?

The recommended minimum activity is 30 minutes per day, and you should be active 5 out of 7 days in a week. Of course, you can always exercise for longer than these recommendations, and it certainly won’t hurt you.