How to Deal With Anxiety Caused by the Coronavirus Pandemic


But What Does Anxiety Feel Like?

Symptoms of anxiety are different from one person to the next. People can range from feeling nervous, restless or tense to having a sense of impending danger or panic. Racing heart, rapid breathing, sweating, trembling or suddenly feeling weak are also symptoms. 

Longer term anxiety may present as having trouble concentrating or sleeping, or experiencing gastrointestinal (GI) problems such as indigestion, gas pains or heartburn. 


Remember that You Are Not Powerless

Ignoring sensations that arise can only cause stress and worry to multiply, so learning what triggers these feelings can give a feeling of power of control over the issues at hand. 


Focus on What’s in Your Control

Keeping yourself healthy and well by exercising daily, drinking lots of water and getting a good sleep are all things that you can (mostly) control. Wash your hands frequently, and plan any essential trips well in advance. Go to the store as soon as it opens, being mindful not to go during senior’s hours. Have your list ready in advance, and remember that there is a chance the store may not have the items you are looking for. Plan for this.


News and Social Media

If watching the news makes you feel anxious, it is a good idea to refrain from watching it daily. If you must check the news, go to a trustworthy source or ask someone you trust to relay any important information to you.

It is also a good idea to watch your reactions on social media, and turn off notifications if it feels overwhelming. 


How To Calm Yourself Quickly

To calm anxiety quickly, try doing a few gentle stretches, some deep breathing, or a yoga nidra guided relaxation. 

Journaling about concerns or worries can help to alleviate the thought process as well. Listening to relaxing music while laying down can also help.