Easter 2020 During Coronavirus


Virtual Easter Party 

Plenty of people are determined to get together with friends and family members by using Zoom or Skype to chat with friends and family. Some people are even using the holiday to dress up, and are preparing to eat dinner at the same time.

Streaming Online Church Services

Many churches all over the world will be offering Easter services online, and most significantly, Pope Francis will hold Easter mass for the first time without the public participation. 

Easter Egg Hunt 

Families are thinking up new and creative ways to operate their Easter egg hunts this year. Some families are simply keeping things contained indoors. In other communities, households are colouring a picture of an egg and taping it to the inside of a window. Families will walk around, “hunting” for eggs. 


This Easter will look like none we have had before, but it seems that people are determined to celebrate in new and creative ways.