T&T Supermarket - British Columbia - Valid from 02/12 until 02/18/2021 (Page 20)

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一帆風順 tag 尊貴豪華 魚生船 chinese new year deluxe sashimi boat new 新商品 enjoy this deluxe food at home 盛載高檔海膽、九孔鮑魚、龍蝦刺身 黃尾魚刺身及蝦等多種名貴海鮮食材 的海鮮船,在家就能享受尊貴美食。 好事就手 火和暖 富貴滿福 圓蹄曼 new 新商品 夏玉華 扣圈 supreme chinese new year lucky pot chef special marinated whole pork hock with delicacies chef special stewed pork belly {8福祿雙星= 福祿雙吉 糯香飯 新春壽司 福圖 鴻運燒臘 大拼盤 glutinous fried rice with chinese sausage chinese new year deluxe sushi party deluxe chinese bbq party tray kitchen offer 優惠 t&t 贈品數量有限,送完即止。 heat & serve to order the above items please go to t&t kitchen please order 2 days in advance prior to your pick-up date while stock lasts 以上統華小廚商品 請於取貨2日前預訂,售完即止。 measured by using thermometer 加熱即食 面。