Staples - Valid from 03/24 until 06/30/2023 (Page 8)

Staples Flyer from 03/24/2023

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featured report inspiring employee engagement through recognition engaged employees feel empowered in their roles and know that their work are invested not only in their individual employees are essential to your overall business success-and it all starts with them knowing how much they are valued why incentives + recognition? you have a small window of time to make a first impression on new hires and with an increasingly younger generations of workers more apt to change that you make it memorable incentive and recognition programs need to engage your staff from day one it goes beyond formal service anniversaries and hitting your communication and appreciation there are going to be days that are showing your employees how much they're valued in both instances and how much their contributions matter creates a sense of pride and purpose with identifying your engagement by both internal motivation staples professional works with you to define your program objectives and staples solutionshop design | print | market | ship helps build bespoke solutions that meet your engagement needs when employees are effectively recognized they are five times as likely to be connected to company culture and four times as likely to be engaged.¹ rewards that resonate how everyone has unique interests dynamic catalogue that offers a variety so your audience can select a uniquely fulfilling available in our canadian thousands of reward ideas and top brands available to you across for more information about our incentives or for a live demo of our exclusive customizable tool connect with your staples professional representative today