London Drugs - Valid from 10/12 until 04/30/2022 (Page 17)

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testicular self-exam helps a male become familiar with his testicles so he will be able to notice any changes • alump • pain or swelling in the scrotum • a soft collection of thin tubes above the testicles • a testicle that you cannot feel because it has not properly descended into the scrotum breast self-exam there is some debate about the value of breast self-exams in detecting breast cancer early when treatment has the best chance of being successful while some healthcare professionals question the related organizations firmly believe that breast self-exams are an important screening tool especially when used in combination with regular sometimes ultrasound or an mri • breasts that are unevenly shaped • a nipple that has changed position or turned inward instead of sticking out • signs of fluid coming out of one or both nipples how to perform a breast self-exam • begin by standing in front of a mirror with your shoulders straight and your hands on your hips side to side so you can see all areas of your breasts your breast tissue will spread out and become fingers to glide smoothly across your skin examine your left breast with your right hand and area from your collarbone to the top of your abdomen and from our armpit to your cleavage how to perform a testicular self-exam or just after a shower when the scrotal skin is warm and relaxed • gently feel the scrotal sac to locate the testicles fingers and thumb of the other hand to firmly but gently feel the entire surface of the testicle repeat the procedure on the other testicle the next step self-exams are just the first step in the early diagnosis stage when treatment is most likely to be successful