The Misinformation We’re Fighting Against with Covid-19


Countering Misinformation of All Kinds

There have been massive lies and little white lies. With all the information flowing around though, this can cause a lot of stress to many. There was a big piece of disinformation that came out of China suggesting that the Coronavirus derived out of the US military. Nothing of the sort has been proven and this information has been debunked on Infotagion.

Getting Real Information

Not only does the site debunk any lies, they also give you straight up news. They also give out concrete bits of advice to you that will help you protect your own health and others in your community. They give information about the efficacy of homemade masks for example. This takes the guesswork out of whether you’re helping or harming people around you.

There is a lot of unknown that unfortunately can’t be answered right now. Of course everything is being tested but the reality is, it’s taking time for scientists to figure out COVID-19. This is leaving space open for people to guess what might be happening. They put it out into the ether and people believe it because they don’t have another answer. 


Canadians are just getting into the idea of wearing masks for example. The site lets you know what the deal is. Basically, there isn’t enough evidence to say whether masks will protect the person wearing it. When you wear one, you’re protecting other people from you. So if you’re unable to social distance for some reason, you may want to wear a mask. Ultimately, distancing yourself from others is the way to go. It’s answers like this that bring a sense of logic and a real answer people can work with. The next time you’re wondering if something is real or fact, check out the site Infogation to get real information on anything relating to Coronavirus.