Safe Shopping During Coronavirus Outbreak


How do you know if your grocery store is safe and sanitized? How can you trust other shoppers to respect social distancing and reduce the spread of Covid-19? 


Canadian public health officials have been advising that people stay home as much as possible and to try and cut down on trips to the store to once a week or less.


Grocery stores are taking plenty of preventative measures to keep their stores clean, sanitized and safe for consumers. But what extra steps can you take to ensure that you are being socially responsible for yourself and for the health of everyone? A little common sense and careful planning can get you in and out of the store safely.


Plan Your Shopping Before You Leave the House

Making a plan before you go to the store is a great way to minimize time spent in the store, and to get the things you need quickly and safely. Having your grocery list in hand, understanding the store rules and knowing the layout of your grocery store are all excellent ways to prepare for your trip. 


Bring Sanitizer for Peace of Mind

Most stores are now sanitizing the handles of grocery carts and baskets, so bringing your own sanitizer for this reason isn’t completely necessary. However, if it brings you peace of mind to have your own sanitizer with you, then it is a good idea to bring it to the store.