Fighting the Amount We Waste During Covid-19


Use Reusable Bags Where Possible (Responsibly)

The reason that reusable bags are restricted is because they can be contaminated. If you’re going to use them for a purpose, make sure you wash them all with soap and water. Then you can use them to leave items at your friends’ door for example. Let them know the bag has been cleaned and sanitized. 

Make it Fun

This is a whole new experience for Canadians and everyone else on the globe. We have never had to deal with the challenges of an all out global self isolation. Think of new tips to reduce garbage and share those ideas with others. Who knows, you may end up being the next new Instagram sensation with your great ideas. You may enjoy the process of coming up with innovative ways to reuse things. 

The Art of Buying Vegetables

Okay, there’s probably no way around using one of those plastic bags you have to rip off the roll when you buy vegetables. When you try it any other way, you’re putting other shoppers in jeopardy. It’s good to care about the environment but don’t forget to care about the people around you too. It’s a major act of care when we follow the guidelines to prevent the spread of Covid-19. You can reuse those plastic bags by lining the bottom of your garbage can with them. Buy lots of vegetables at once to make using the bag worth your while. Freeze them if you need to.

There is a concern that people are going to be suspicious of using reusable items even once the pandemic has settled down. Let’s face it, it will take some time for Canadians to let go of the caution they have built up to protect themselves from getting this awful virus that has killed thousands. A lot of progress has been made. 


On the plus side, emissions are way down. With many people not working and staying at home, there are virtually no cars on the road. This has given us something to think about when things do go back to normal. It’s believed that many businesses will become “work at home” companies. This is going to greatly reduce daily commutes and that’s a good thing. So while the Covid-19 pandemic is causing problems with waste on one side of the coin, we’re seeing a lot less emissions.