Exercises to do at Home During the Quarantine for the Coronavirus


How to work out

Many gyms and studios are continuing to offer their classes online, and many of these workouts are free. A quick YouTube search for “free workouts” reveals pages and pages of exercise options.

There are even a few companies out there that will rent out their spin bikes, and provide free workouts with your rental.


Some exercises to try 

This might be a great time to start a new activity, but be careful about what you choose. If you have never tried weightlifting, it is a good idea to find a personal trainer to watch your technique over FaceTime. Some less hazardous exercises to try include hatha yoga, pilates, body weight training or zumba. 


Quick & Easy Activities Throughout the Day

There are plenty of fun ways to incorporate more movement into your day. Think of transitional times throughout your day, for example: 

  • Do a few quick yoga stretches after your morning coffee
  • Turn on some music and dance for 5 minutes before preparing dinner
  • Cleaning the house - set a timer for 10 minutes and quickly tidy one room
  • Head out into the yard and prepare your garden by turning the soil over