COVID-19 Tips From People Who Had It


What the Test is Like for Coronavirus

A sample is taken from the back of the throat, and is done with a swab that looks like a giant Q-tip. The swab is inserted into a patient’s nose, twisted around, and yanked out. According to one doctor, it takes ten seconds for a calm patient to complete the test. 

A personal account of the test: “They stick a swab deep into each nostril and also deep down the throat. Five seconds each.” A woman in Ontario wrote that her “nostrils have never felt so violated” as they did during her test. “The swab went so deep into my nostril I thought they poked my brain.”


Respect Social Distancing

The unanimous opinion of most people who have contracted the Coronavirus is to take social distancing very seriously in order to protect others. Patients are also saying that you can get this virus anywhere, anytime. 

Most people who have gotten Coronavirus have taken self-isolation to the absolute extreme, staying home in one room to quarantine, even if they haven’t been tested.