Grocery Shopping Tips During A Pandemic


To Glove Or Not To Glove?

Some shoppers have taken to wearing gloves to supposedly minimise the risk of contamination. But does it work?

Some experts say that gloves, like masks, should be worn properly for them to work. If we are not conscious and end up touching our faces anyway, it defeats the purpose. If there’s no proper hand hygiene before and after use, it can become contaminated and create a bigger risk. 


What about sanitising food packaging?

Experts note that, currently, there’s no evidence that points to transmission via food or food packaging. But that doesn’t mean it can’t happen. The main advice, however, is still to wash our hands for at least 20 seconds. It’s also important to note that some disinfecting products should be kept away from food products, especially those created for hard surfaces. And when it comes to the food itself, experts recommend washing with water only. 


And remember: Don’t go out if you feel unwell. 


By being a smart and cautious shopper, we can all help flatten the curve. And hopefully, sooner than later, we can go back to a time when grocery shopping was something we could look forward to.