Grocery Shopping Tips During A Pandemic


Safe Grocery Shopping Tips

While you can’t control what happens around you, you can go out extra prepared. Here are some tips to keep in mind for your next supply run.

Plan your trips to the store. With the unpredictable supply of essential goods, this can be a challenge. But if possible, try to limit your trips to once every two weeks. Shop during off-peak hours and while in the store, keep your distance from other shoppers. Make sure you have a list of what you need so you don’t end up wandering through the shelves (something we all loved to do pre-pandemic) ands staying longer. And as much as possible, don’t bring the whole family, especially kids, immunocompromised people and senior members of the family.

Consider cloth masks. The ⦁ CDC has issued a new guideline that says wearing cloth masks are recommended. These should be washed after every use. Always put the same side against your face. Remove them by the straps to avoid touching the “contaminated side.” And even with masks on, practice social distancing. 

Clean and disinfect. Use hand sanitiser to clean your hands as soon as you get in. Wipe your cart handle with disinfectant wipes and then sanitise your hand again. As soon as you get home, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. 

Touch only what you need. No, now’s not the time to smell that banana or squeeze that avo. Avoid touching your phone to prevent contamination. If you must, make sure to wipe the screen afterwards. 

At home, clean non-porous containers like glass jars or metal cans before refilling them. It’s also a good idea to wipe and disinfect surfaces that came in contact with your grocery bags. Don’t forget to clean and disinfect your reusable bags after every use.