Terry White - Valid from 27/01 until 14/02/2023 (Page 3)

Terry White Catalogue from 27/01/2023

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menopause menopause can cause redistribution of fat culprits are lifestyle choices and the effects of ageing and can actually decrease fat stores around the abdomen activity habits treat yourself like you would a good friend would you tell your friend she was useless because she had gained weight during menopause? absolutely not you'd likely help her understand this can naturally happen during ageing - and then suggest ways you could both adopt a healthier lifestyle preparation pays is menopause still a few years away? start preparing now by being physically habits will help smooth the transition when it does come sources and-health real talk with jo sorensen how can i manage my weight during menopause? the word "menopause" makes many women think later years are marked by reduced muscle mass and that lifestyle and ageing contribute greatly to potential that is there's plenty we can do to maintain a healthy weight over 45 here's what you can do for a healthy weight doctor for treatment options to provide relief from your symptoms in preference to supplements nuts and seeds associated with an increased risk of developing serious disease aim for no more than two standard drinks a day with at least two alcohol-free days each week over movement moderate intensity or 1.25 hours of high intensity exercise a week want tips and tricks for managing menopause? scan to download your free ebook here sources stomy jo sorensen pharmacist terrywhite chemmart