How Long Does Coronavirus Live On Surfaces?


Tips For Cleaning Surfaces 

Wiping household surfaces is a standard part of any home cleaning routine. But with this new virus that comes with many unknown factors, it pays to be extra cautious and thorough. 

Clean frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs, tables, light switches, faucets and remote controls, among other high-touch areas.  

Wear disposable gloves when cleaning or disinfecting. If you are using reusable gloves, make sure that these gloves are not used for anything else other than cleaning. 

For hard or non-porous surfaces, you can use a bleach solution if appropriate. Just add 1/3 cup of bleach per gallon of water. DO NOT mix bleach with other cleansers. 

For soft or porous items, wash according to manufacturer’s instructions using warm water. 

For electronics including mobile phones and keyboards, you can use alcohol-based wipes if there are no specific disinfection products for the items. Make sure to dry thoroughly to avoid pooling of liquids. 

When handling dirty laundry, use gloves. If not available, make sure to wash your hands right after. Avoid shaking dirty laundry to prevent possible dispersal of virus through the air. If possible, use warm water. Do not forget to clean and disinfect hampers. Consider using disposable bag liners. 


And Remember: Wash Your Hands!


It bears repeating: Wash your hands often with soap and water. Often can mean anywhere between 10 to 20 times in a day. Don’t just wash when your hands are visibly dirty. Key instances to wash your hands include:

After removing gloves 

After contact with an ill person

After contact with animals or pets

After sneezing or blowing your nose

After using the toilet

Before and after eating or preparing food

Before and after providing care for a child or a senior

After handling food or groceries from outside


There’s no absolute way to ‘virus-proof’ our homes and surfaces, especially since outside contact is inevitable. The best we can do is to enforce good hygiene habits, boost our immune system and keep up to date with relevant information from reliable sources.