Easter during lockdown


Bake your buns

Start your weekend off by baking a batch of hot cross buns. You’ve probably always bought your buns and so you eat them cold. Imagine the hot spicy aroma running through the kitchen and the opportunity to take them straight from the oven and slather them with butter. We’ll worry about the waistline after the Easter weekend is done. 



Get imaginative with your Easter hunt

There’s no reason to cut back on your Easter egg hunt. Despite the limits placed on what you can buy, chocolates and Easter eggs remain on sale. Now you have more time to hide the eggs. Leave some clues to make the egg hunt fun for the whole family. You could even make a map to help the children to find the eggs. Why limit the hunt to the garden. Find some interesting places in the house as well. 


Get crafty

Spend some time on arts and crafts. Easter is a great time to decorate hard boiled eggs. Rolling hot eggs in crayon shavings is a good way to colour them. Or get creative with pens and paintbrushes. Make Easter decorations for the house, using cardboard, paper crayons, toilet paper inners. Easter offers many iconic decorative opportunities such as bunnies, religious images, Easter eggs and how about Easter bonnets for the whole family.