Dis-Chem - Valid from 2019/12/01 until 2020/02/29 (Page 43)

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plugs are made from impressions of the ears in order to ensure a comfortable and bathing or showering." daily ear hygiene it's never a good idea to stick any push the earwax further into the ear or eardrum." enzymes that help prevent bacteria and fungus from growing in the ear but it creates a barrier to protect the to clean your child or baby's ears simply wet a facecloth with warm water also dry the ears afterwards when to see a doctor children over two years or with mild symptoms can be observed for 24-48 the-counter products like anaesthetic drops and antibacterial drops can help prescribe pain medication and antibiotics try • swim seal coats the ear canal before swimming to protect against trapped water • pharmacist's choice wax ear plugs are mouldable to fit all ears • swimmers ear cleanser to remove water in the ear after swimming cerumol loosens hard or soft wax plugs for easy removal