Dis-Chem - Valid from 2019/12/01 until 2020/02/29 (Page 25)

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and building in a sandpit that children who are raised to be independent are good decision-makers because they were allowed to consider their own decisions positive relations in the home and facilitate productive ways to manage can encourage children to work out problems with adult supervision opposed to tattle tailing and relying on the adult to make things right again "creativity is the power of the imagination." creative thinkers are able to define and solve a problem by evaluating choices and considering call motor planning in the occupational therapy world and it is the ability to carry out new and novel tasks as well your children how to creatively solve • define the problem • evaluate the possible solutions • develop a plan of action • adjust the plan when necessary toy and prioritize free outdoor play paediatricians are resolute in their recommendation that play should be qualities are usually simple and not focused on developing a certain cluster of skills as seen to be developed by at what the standards are for "stem" social and emotional skills" it leads me to think that we can get these skills from basic toys such as also by building forts in our homes with as a society we have heard of "helicopter parenting" where parents constantly hover over every aspect of a child's life and often socially manipulate a situation to their child's "lawnmower parenting" where parents obsess over ways to prevent their kids sure the path is easy and obstacle free and that their child is set up to never encounter hardship or failure and by doing so we take away the resources a child needs to adapt to peers and deal with difficult emotions the way in which we deal with the failure when it comes is more important child to go through the emotions and positively support them with big will give them a sense of not wanting to experience this again and therefore try harder or try different ways next time this builds resolve which is essential for every aspect of ones life as a child and even as an adulto intelligence and social skills there is a distinct correlation between kids' social skills in nursery school at resolving problems with peers being helpful are significantly more likely to earn a university degree and parents need to model appropriate