Dis-Chem - Valid from 2019/12/01 until 2020/02/29 (Page 19)

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family has a new baby doesn't mean there's not enough love to go around the average age gap between siblings there are families with more than parents are coping with two under common parenting challenges during the toddler and newborn phase feeling frazzled? wrong in asking for help! call on a relative or friend who can tend to your keep your toddler involved booties on and even allowing your toddler to burp your baby will help not to have tasks done timeously! be patient and always reward your child attention on your toddler through lots of praise and cuddles the struggle to juggle that your new bundle has arrived all to shift your toddler's bedtime up by been shuffled around to accommodate have been put on the back burner if you're a little confused by the new and tweak your routine! start with the you work around a similar routine for one bath and overlapping afternoon you can play with your toddler and still have your baby close lower your expectations it just means that you're more realistic about what you should be trying to best you can the elephant in the room the day you come home from the hospital for a period of eight to 12 weeks family's needs