Dis-Chem - Valid from 2019/10/01 until 2019/11/30 (Page 91)

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considering the high levels of crime and violence in south africa it's unsurprising that there's a high incidence of ptsd in the country of was found in the mental health and poverty research program study that 23% were exposed to a traumatic event was 8.5 times more prevalent than among the general population," says the estimated six million south africans who suffer from ptsd don't get the help people with a depression cannot merely "pull themselves together" and get symptoms of depression in over 80% of because it often goes unrecognized depression continues to cause unnecessary suffering depression disorders range in severity and include - but aren't limited • persistent depressive disorder is symptoms that aren't disabling but do keep them from functioning at full capacity or from feeling good sometimes people with dysthymia also experience major depressive episodes • major or clinical depression also known as major depressive disorder includes a combination of symptoms emptiness and persistent sadness and difficulty concentrating these symptoms affect one's daily functioning and interfere with one's episodes of depression can occur lifetime elation or mania post-traumatic stress according to sadag's ptsd treatment debilitating condition which follows with ptsd are plagued by persistent frightening memories of the traumatic event which set off the condition and they feel emotionally numbed by impacts their ability to function in everyday life ptsd symptoms are split into three • intrusive symptoms - where the traumatic incident intrudes on flashback where they feel like they're can also take the form of a sudden onslaught of emotions associated with the event avoidance symptoms - an inability to feel or express any emotions which also manifests in people avoiding any situation that fully or even partially resembles the setting in which the trauma occurred - for example not going in a car after being hijacked symptoms of hyper-arousal - ptsd can cause sufferers to act as if they are continually threatened by the trauma that caused their illness sometimes leading to also frequently become battle with memory and concentration africa benefits 89