Dis-Chem - Valid from 2019/10/01 until 2019/11/30 (Page 85)

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information overload while the internet is invaluable for are reputable read recite reflect review read all your notes recite the information back to yourself or your study partner reflect and highlight what key points you need to know review the chapter again to ensure you've remembered the information you need in the exam room it's also essential to believe in yourself and in your ability to do well," stresses tonkinson "start by taking a deep breath read through the whole paper before starting to write so you have a good idea of how to pace yourself." racing pulse and shortness of breath drawing blanks doubting oneself questioning instinctive answers on the other hand it's been found that parental pressure is often at the root parents insist that the learner works their own stress onto their children we all are likely to feel anxious before and during exam times but when it becomes evident that the learner is handling the pressure exam anxiety can get out of hand "the world in which the average teenager lives is characterized by much more 'connectedness of the teens leaving high school have shown that eating bananas helps boost brain power and helps learners study more efficiently puzzles etc study resources on the internet keep physically fit are very aware of the changing and shifting economic environment resulting in a feeling of insecurity about entering high school feel significant pressure to perform academically with preconceived notions as to how much competition will already be in place." have a laugh! some hilariously wrong answers what is a fibula? your exam timetable "knowing what you need to study and how long you have will go a long way toward helping decrease exam pressure," advises tonkinson look at your exam timetable and make a list of all the topics you need to study and in what order divide each day you have to study estimate how long it will take you to revise each topic and allocate an appropriate number of sessions to each subject ensure your day has regular breaks it can be hard to switch between subjects so schedule your breaks in between explain the phrase free press trousers for you "support from parents is extremely someone who has your best interest at heart and who is behind you all the way can mean the difference between academic success and failure event of parents being too busy or have a school counsellor they should approach him or her for assistance." why would living close to a mobile phone mast cause ill health into it earned top marks with his answer what is courage? "this is!" answered the student benefits 83