Clicks - Valid from 2023/04/01 until 2023/04/30 (Page 64)

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wellbeing walking in forgiveness how forgiveness helps you mcgowan explains that "the benefits of forgiveness would be that the hurt that was caused does not continue to haunt you and is not incorporated into your concept play out in other relationships partner enables you to move version of yourself wellness experts forgiving does not mean that you are excusing the other person's behaviour that acceptance is also the right to re- evaluate the boundaries you have in the relationship and adjust those in a way that will protect your well-being in the future • lowering your blood pressure heart attack lusanda cebekhulu • alleviating symptoms of anxiety •contributing to a stronger immune system "in most cases forgiveness some cases it may not be appropriate," says mcgowan "this should be assessed on then shift to looking at lessons learnt and what is necessary in helping the individual move forward"