Yves Rocher - Valido dal 19/08 al 07/09/2022 (Pagina 105)

'Prodotti in questo volantino

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yves rocher framboise menthe poivrée raspberry peppermint savon energisant energizing soap lampone & menta piperita yves rocher mangue coriandre mango coriander savon energieant energizing soap mango & coriandolo yves rocher lavandin müre lavandin blackberry devon relaxant relaxing soap lavandina & mora acqua profumata corpo & capelli lavandina & mora il piacere di un'acqua fresca su corpo e capelli lampone & menta piperita net wt 2.8 ct pesca & anice stellato mango & coriandolo net wt 28 or vaniglia bourbon noce di cocco com yves rocher noix de coco coconut au layandin&a la more eh layandino blackber savon douceur gentle soap corps & cheveu body & hai noce di cocco yves rocher vanille bourbon bourbon vanilla savon douceur gentle scap vaniglia bourbon yves rocher olive petit grain olive petitorain savon relaxant relaxing soap oliva & petit grain perfumed mist la framboise&a lament thrastreny & perm corps & chev900 body & hair ala heche & alani eto with feach&star ans sapone arricchito con glicerina delicatamente la pelle corps & cheveux body & hair amande fleur d'oranger almond orange blossom yves rocher savon relaxant relaxing soap mandorla & fiori d'arancio yves rochyves rochyves rochyves rochyves roch brume parfum brume parfum brume parfum brume parfum brume parfum brume parfumee perfumed mist perfumed mist perfumed mist perfumed mist perfumed mist alamangue a la cobland with hangocomander www di origin corps & cheveux body & hair alcol vegetale yves rocher ala vanille bourion with bourson vanilia ala noix de coco with coconut corps & cheveux com body & hair corps cheveux body & hair igiene & benessere plaisirs nature